A church remodeled one of its buildings. One of the members coordinated the
remodel, and the church paid individuals directly for their labor. According to the Internal Revenue Service's Form 1099-MISC instructions,
one of the criteria is: "You made the payment for services in the course
of your trade or business." Since
construction and remodeling is not the church's trade or business are the payments to
these individuals reportable on Form 1099-MISC?
the payments are reportable on Form 1099-MISC. According to Form 1099-MISC instructions entitled "What is nonemployee compensation?
If the following four conditions are met, you must generally report a payment as nonemployee compensation.
See another MinistryCPA post discussing Employee vs. Independent Contractor:
If the following four conditions are met, you must generally report a payment as nonemployee compensation.
- You made the payment to someone who is not your employee.
- You made the payment for services in the course of your trade or business (including government agencies and nonprofit organizations).
- You made the payment to an individual, partnership, estate, or, in some cases, a corporation.
- You made payments to the payee of at least $600 during the year."
See another MinistryCPA post discussing Employee vs. Independent Contractor:
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